Acoustic Barriers for Childcare Centres from Modular Wall Systems

childcare centre acoustic barrier wall

Sandcastles Child Care, Chatswood NSW

The Sandcastles childcare centre in Chatswood was situated amongst office buildings and hence, was required by the local council to install an acoustic barrier to keep the noise levels in as well as shield the children from the traffic noise outside. In addition, as the centre was located next to a skyscraper, it required a windscreen to be part of this acoustic barrier to keep the draft out.

They also had a separate mezzanine walkway which already had existing round posts - hence, any potential solution had to work with the existing posts.

Modular Wall Systems chose the GuardianWall for this project. At the mezzanine level, majority of the AcoustiMax 75mm panels were slotted between existing 250mm diameter posts using wall channel mounts.

As for the play area, which required the wind shield, custom fabricated posts with 45° arm were installed as a review of the Acoustic & Wind Report revealed that an angled screen was required to mitigate downwash wind. Hence angled acrylic sheets were used in conjunction with our 75mm AcoustiMax panels.

The overall solution exceeded the recommendations regarding the minimum acoustic reduction criteria and was approved by the local council.

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