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Altro Whiterock Wall Cladding System

Problems solved at QE11
Altro Whiterock

Australia's leading hospitals and aged care providers have struggled for years to provide a building that:

  • Maximises the availability of operating theatres, patient rooms and corridor access
  • Increases infection control measures
  • Reduces the cost of repairs, maintenance and cleaning
  • Provides a safer and hygienic environment for staff and patients

Wall surfaces are repeatedly damaged due to the very nature of the care environment. Impact repair is expensive and non-stop because the impacts never cease. Often scarce facilities are closed due to the very real danger of infection caused by the broken surfaces.

This is a major issue in the public health system where resources are under increasing pressure. It is also a significant concern for private care providers where the return to shareholders is based on effective use of all infrastructure to increase profitability.

Brisbane's Queen Elizabeth II Hospital management team has embraced an innovative approach to these issues. They commissioned Premier Altro Whiterock installer Pacific Flooring Services to install the internationally acclaimed Altro Whiterock wall cladding system in critical areas, including the new operating theatres.

"Having used the Altro product in other areas during our previous renovations, the hospital project team were very impressed with the crisp clean fresh colour and durability of the wall cladding.

The smooth surface, fully sealed welded joints and thermoformed corners were all attractive features when choosing the interior surface for our new diagnostic and procedural theatre.

This product is conducive to the Infection Control principles of the hospital by offering completely watertight protection against germs and bacteria from floor to ceiling. It also significantly reduces the cleaning time with a seamless smooth surface finish.

In addition, the thickness of the cladding provides the level of impact resistance a Hospital needs to protect the walls from the barrage of beds and trolleys that constantly make contact with the walls in this environment."

Lorraine V. Munn Project Manager - QEII Jubilee Hospital

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