Non slip seamless designer floor from AAA Sexy Floors

AAA Sexy Floors epoxy floors are distinctive, affordable and environmentally friendly. The durability combined with non slip, makes our floors the best in any situation. Commercial. Industrial. Domestic. Our designer seamless floors can help reveal who you are and convey the impression you want to give. AAA Sexy Floors can estimate and specify any project within Australia.

The right blend of colours can take the appearance of your business from the ordinary to the wow factor, and can be a powerful tool in setting the ambience of the workplace or home. In the world of Feng Shui, Red (yang) means good luck, money & recognition, Silver (yin) is trustworthiness and romance.

The combination of colours can also be just as important; Silver (aluminium) can give the impression of high-tech or industrial, and Silver, Gold and White can symbolize power and control.

Aged Bronze
Our designer metallic floors are a trademark feature of our business. They are used in a wide variety of environments raging from commercial, industrial to domestic.

From the dark valleys to the light peaks, this multi directional floor is practical, easy to maintain and tough.

Red Copper
One of the advantages epoxy has over a lot of products on the market is the fact that the colour and style can be changed right in front of your eyes.

This copper and red floor looks stylish and very sexy in a popular fine dining restaurant.

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