Beautiful blonde BT Bamboo from Eco Flooring Systems is the popular choice

Bamboo flooring is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many architects, builders and interior designers who are looking for an environmental alternative to timber flooring that is a stylish, hard wearing, pre-finished flooring system.

Tribe Designs chose BT Bamboo light sand vertical wide boards for a recent stunning renovation. Natural bamboo flooring is light in colour yet as hard as traditional darker timbers such as Jarrah and tallowwood. BT Bamboo light sand is a natural blonde colour which complements modern metal, stainless steel, chrome or galvanised iron. It enhances timber furniture and fittings. Looks like beech timber adding a light glow to your interior. It is ideal for refurbishments to add a light glow to your interior. BT Bamboo comes pre-finished with a seven coat factory finish eliminating the need for messy on site coating and waiting for coatings to dry. BT Bamboo can be laid over existing floor surfaces.

Eco Flooring Systems is a specialist in bamboo flooring supplying BT Bamboo for high quality domestic and commercial applications. Our 9 year successful track record is based on the fact that we are committed to only supplying the highest quality bamboo flooring available from our exclusive supplier who is a leader in the bamboo flooring industry. BT Bamboo is manufactured with the strictest quality control and environmental standards, especially when it comes to the glues used in lamination and the coatings used to finish the boards.

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