Mini Crane in Rugged Bushland from SVSR Mini Crane Hire

mini crane in bushland

The Maeda MC 405 shows it's versatility in rugged, inaccessible bushland to once again prove it is the most reliable, versatile and cost-effective crane on today's market

Southern Highlands Owner-Builder John Clissold recently purchase an uncleared rural bush block to build his new home in NSW.

John says, "It's a great block and we love the trees, just a shame about the cars and trucks someone's dumped out here years ago. They'll have to be removed before we can build the house."

John approached SVSR Mini Cranes to see if we could help clear the old trucks.

mini crane removing old trucks from bushland

Scott Reynolds of SVSR mini Cranes says, "This is the perfect job for the 405; no other crane could get between these trees and still have the capacity to lift these old wrecks out of the way. With a conventional crane you'd have to clear this whole block and not leave a single tree standing. Once again the Maeda 405 makes the job look easy."

John was satisfied with the affordability of the mini crane too. By the time SVSR had used their mini cranes and finished clearing the old wrecks from the farm, even the dog was happy.

blue cattle dog on rusted truck

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