Perfect finishes from Timbalac Coatings

Eric Zeeve, Managing Director of Timbalac Coatings, feels that as the global export-import market is becoming more lucrative annually, government bodies and trade associations in our local industry need a very serious shake-up.

Most local manufacturers blame imports for killing our industry. To survive we need smart planning. Our manufacturers have the ability to compete globally; they need to export to create a niche market. To adapt, we need to change the way we currently do things.

Many manufacturers use coating and polishing products that have in fact not been used and have been discarded for more than a decade. By using 'old technology' we're not keeping abreast of worldwide competition and the lack of knowledge on current product lines and their benefits is really holding us back.

At Timbalac, we believe to survive and prosper in the next five years, there has to be a greater involvement between suppliers, manufacturers and trade associations to lift the standards to a world class level.

Coating suppliers need more involvement technically, to be able to provide new application methods and new products to keep advancing the standard.

Environmentally friendly coatings as waterborne clears and pigmented single pack and two pack is definitely the future.

"Aroma" free coatings in solvent borne coatings is the future particularly for OH&S reasons.

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