Aluminium Window Systems Sydney from Envirotech Facade Solutions

AC-35: 35mm Awning / Casement Sash Window

Envirotech Facade Solutions has started our design process with a blank sheet. Instead of short cutting the process and utilising the traditional shop-front and window suites of the 1960's, EFS has designed a range of commercial suites to suit today's requirements, standards, codes and architectural trends.

The 'AC-35' and 'AC-50' awning systems are designed to be used in most commercial and semi-commercial applications. These suites also cater nicely to those looking for a more robust, cleaner looking design option for upmarket housing applications. The AC-50 offers the added benefit of being capable of taking a 25mm IGU when higher performance is required. These design inclusions translate to designer and fabricators being able to glaze thicker and therefore larger pieces of energy efficient glass than many of the other suites currently on offer to the market.

This new design integrates with all the EFS commercial suites from the 101.6mm & 150mm framings through to our high performance curtain wall systems. From a performance perspective, these features mean that designers need no compromise their designs in order to achieve performance requirements for thermal, acoustic, structural and water ratings.

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