Aluminium Casement Windows from Trend Windows & Doors

casement window

Yesteryears' romance is recaptured with Trend aluminium casement windows. Adjusting the angles of the sashes will create a generous opening allowing you to catch even the softest summer breeze.

Gracious and elegant, yet practical and durable, Trend aluminium casement windows create an impact with their strong lines and traditional design. Colour choices in long lasting powder coating add an individual touch.

Specially designed fly screens are available in matching powder coated aluminium, while a lever operated cam catch allows the windows to close firmly and securely. And as a result of Trend's clever casement and sash design, the outer side of the windows can easily be cleaned from the inside.

Colonial and Federation bars, decorative glass and your choice of Viridian Smart Glass Solutions are available as options. You can enhance Trend windows by adding classic round profile Ovolo colonial bars.

Experience the romance of yesteryear with Trend casement windows.

aluminium casement window with louvre shutters

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