Custom Aluminium Windows and Doors from Regency Windows

Custom Aluminium Windows from Regency Windows

Regency Windows is a leading manufacturer of high performance aluminium windows and doors for residential and commercial projects. Over the past three decades we have grown to become one of Victoria's largest aluminium window and door manufacturers with a reputation for product innovation, technical competence and quality. Our aluminium windows and doors are custom manufactured to your own unique specifications. Experience the difference and choose Regency Windows today.

Onsite Manufacturing

At Regency Windows, we specialise in all areas of window and door manufacturing, supplying everything from one Victorian premises. We provide sliding, awning, bifold, casement and double hung windows and sliding, stacking, bifold and French doors. All designs are available in single and double glazed windows and ThermalHeart™. We have a large range of commercial and residential window and door systems to choose from and all our windows and doors are manufactured right here on site, enabling us to meet all of your window and door requirements.

Standard 10 Year Warranty

We specialise in high performance, energy efficient aluminium windows and doors from the AWS Vantage and Elevate range. All of our products are covered by a 10 year warranty on manufacturing and installation, giving you complete piece of mind. We stand by the quality of our product and will be more than happy to come out to your property and rectify any issues in the unlikely event that they should arise. We also provide you with a Care and Maintenance booklet so that you may get the most out of your aluminium window or door product.

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