The difference between galvanised steel and aluminium from Enzie Stairs

Galvanised Steel
enzie® Stairs is fully committed to manufacturing steel spiral staircases of the highest quality. Over a period of time, corrosion problems have been encountered with external stairs in some geographic areas, where the environment is particularly harsh.

enzie® has carried out extensive research, in conjunction with our supplier of powder coatings, to establish procedures which will maximise the life of the coatings on our galvanised steel staircases.

However, despite all of these precautions, we are finding that some environmental conditions, particularly in some seaside situations, are still too severe, and corrosion can occur.

Stainless Steel
As an alternative to our powder coated stairs we also offer stainless steel stairs. However it must be clearly understood that unless properly maintained, they will still corrode, particularly in marine environments due to the effects of salt (and it's chlorine component).

In our continuing efforts to provide viable options for our clients, we have introduced an aluminium stair, which is primed and powder coated as for our galvanised stair. All indications are that the aluminium stair will give better long-term performance than galvanised steel, in all external applications but particularly in the harsh environmental conditions encountered in coastal areas.

It is interesting to note that one of our clients near Lakes Entrance on the coast of Victoria has four external enzie® Spiral Stairs at his motel. These were installed 17 years ago and he decided that they needed to be replaced. He gave careful consideration to the options available and decided that 17 years was a very acceptable life in the conditions applying and therefore has replaced them with powder coated galvanised steel stairs. He considered that this was a better option for him than the 70% cost premium applicable to the aluminium stair.

Having said all that, unless the stairs are adequately maintained, corrosion will inevitably occur in severe environmental situations.

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