Imported materials and finished goods by China Confidential

China's growth over recent years has impacted heavily on Australian businesses with over 43% of manufacturers citing that competition from China will have an impact on profitability. To combat this competition it was found (Ai Group, Manufacturing Futures, Achieving Global Fitness, 2006) that companies would look to three key areas. Firstly, companies would look to derive a greater % of sales through innovation and research. Secondly and thirdly, companies would look to cut costs either by importing goods or outsourcing production.

China Confidential provides a straightforward and effective service to manufacturers and distributors seeking to cut costs by importing materials, components and finished goods from China.

Our value lies in market intelligence and bilingual communication for existing and new product development, with a strict quality assurance program and ongoing supplier management. We can connect you to trade finance options to get your first containers on their way, and even arrange delivery to your door.

If you want direct factory prices, full access to manufacturers and a management team that speaks your language, email us at or visit our web site and let us know how China Confidential can help your business cut costs and reduce risk by going factory direct in China.

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