How to Maintain Aluminium Louvre Windows from Breezway

old rusted car

The Three C's of maintaining the aluminium finishes of your Breezway Altair Louvre Windows

No one expects a car that is parked outside and exposed to dust, salt spray, wind and rain to look very good if it isn't cleaned regularly, and no one would be surprised if that car developed rust spots. Similarly, we shouldn't expect windows, which are 'parked outside' and exposed to dust, salt spray, wind and rain to look good and remain in good condition if they are never cleaned!

Even though Breezway Altair Louvre Windows are constructed using only non-corrosive materials like aluminium, stainless steel and industrial plastics and we apply high quality powder coat finishes from Dulux, Interpon and Decorative Imaging or anodise to 25 microns (the recommended level for severe marine environments) some maintenance of aluminium finishes is still required to reduce the rate of weathering of the finishes.

1. Cleaning Technique

Cleaning Breezway Louvre Windows is a fairly simple affair:

  1. Remove any loose dirt by gently brushing or hosing.
  2. Clean using a sponge or soft brush and warm water with a mild detergent. Avoid cleaning agents with a caustic base, abrasive materials or harsh chemicals.
  3. Rinse with clean water.
  4. Dry with a chamois (optional).
  5. Apply a 'non-abrasive' car polish to maintain the lustre of the finish (optional).

2. Cleaning Frequency

As a guide, we recommend cleaning your Breezway Louvre Windows every 3 months or more frequently in severe conditions.

Appendix I of the Australian Standard AS1231-2000 provides additional information on atmospheric environments. It describes the following environmental classifications:

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