The Alimak Scando 450 upgrade of the Alimak CH construction hoist range from 1998

Over 600 units of the CH range have been delivered and the modernization program encompassing new technology further strengthens the light and medium range of construction hoists.

Alimak Scando 450 offers greater efficiency and improved durability, with lower energy consumption and reduced cost of ownership. Accessibility is improved by the use of the new microprocessor based control system, ALC II, which can solve many site logistic problems. For example, the system reduces waiting times by storing all calls from the landings and sending the hoist that is logistically nearest to a landing to pick up passengers.

Alimak Scando 450 also gets a new frequency control unit (FC), with closed-loop, which gives very smooth starting and stopping with low starting current and less wear and tear.

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