Global Safe Technologies proud to announce their Floor safety maintenance program

Global Safe Technologies Australia is proud to announce its industry unique Floor Safety Maintenance Program (FSMP) for commercial clients. This program is only charged out at the time of the initial anti-slip application and when the floor surface requires anti-slip rejuvenations (up to two years or more). It comes all inclusive, at no additional cost to the client.

Global Safe Technologies, after talking to its international client base, has identified the need to provide this complete floor care solution at no additional cost to the client.

They provide staff training, ongoing written monitoring, ongoing advice and, most importantly, the necessary documentation showing customer due diligence.

If other anti-slip providers offer any of these above services, they will more than likely come with additional costs to the client.

The Floor Safety Maintenance Program Includes:

  • Staff Training in proper floor care and cleaning procedures and assistance with in-house safety policies. i.e. a wet floor policy.
  • Assistance with identification of the appropriate cleaning chemical, or introduction of Clean Step, Global Safe technologies' superior multipurpose cleaner, degreaser, and sanitizer, formerly known as the Maintenance Solution.
  • Ongoing and regular written floor safety inspection reports and recommendations, which will also include in-house Coefficient of Friction (COF) test measurements using the slip alert device. For clients who require certified COF testing, Global Safe Technologies will assist by providing reputable and certified engineers to perform the testing. An example is the Wet Pendulum test.
  • Valuable Documentation - Warranty certificates, floor safety inspection reports and, on request, an Affidavit in support of the claim that the client has followed the FSMP to monitor the slip fall risk on an ongoing basis.

The FSMP offers the client an all inclusive ongoing risk management program, providing complete peace of mind when it comes to slip fall prevention.

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