Modular Shade Structure from Flexshade

modular shade structure

This prestige development for retirees needed quality shade in the spacious communal courtyards. The Flexshade® Q*14 Quartet, one of our modular shade structures available, were chosen for their robust design, long life Tedlar fabric and superior steel finishes.

A further design feature of these modular shade structures is the optional lighting kit mounted around the column. The light is directed upwards, taking advantage of the white underside of the umbrella to reflect a diffused glow without harsh glare or shadows. Installed in the central courtyard, these outdoor umbrellas provide a pleasant space for residents to meet and relax.

The Q*14 is 4.3m x 4.3m square. Apart from these Quartets, other modular shade structures available from Flexshade® are the Lotus, Hypar, Tetra, Hexagonal, Auto and the Quad. Sizes available range from 2m to 15m.

Flexshade® shade structures are manufactured to meet Tension Span's high standard of excellence, and carry a ten year warranty.

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