Mulga Shade fabrics at Blind Elegance

Blind Elegance is excited to announce the launch of the new product range Mulga Shade. This collection consists of mainly organic fibres and is sampled into 3 collections. Each collection is presented in its own unique binding.

Oriental garden - An elegant combination of Hemp, Linen, Jute, Grasses, Bamboo and Cotton Shell. The fibres triumph in various colours and weaves. It is truly an organic and texture rich experience. These beautifully woven materials simply captured the best that nature has to offer.

Sun-Kissed - Simple, Functional and practical. This range is more for the contemporary decorators. Our cheer range is modern and chic while blockout materials are rich in texture. All material delivers various degrees of privacy and insulation.

Cocoon - Sumptuous silk, Hemp, Linen, Yak, Cashmere and other exotic blends endeavour to transform your home into a warm environment. It is a collection for those who desire the ultimate delivery of subdued glamour and innate elegance.

These hand selected fabrics, made with time honoured skills and craftsmanship are created to your specifications, so you can enjoy them for years to come. Blind elegance have representatives covering Metropolitan Sydney, Central Coast and Newcastle area's. With their mobile showroom fully trained consultants are able to see you at your convenience.

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