Double Glazed Thermal Windows from uPVC Windows

thermal glazed windows

Looking for a way to improve the thermal efficiency of your home? Look no further than uPVC Windows!

The goal is simple in modern-day home life - keep cool in the summer time and warm when it gets cold outside.

But up to 70 percent of heat is gained or lost through standard 3mm window panes and even more can be lost with heat transfer through metal frames.

In winter, a single-glazed, 3mm-deep pane of glass can lose up to 15 times more heat than an insulated wall of the same area. In summer, single glazed standard windows of an average home account for over 25 percent of total heat gain.

Double glazing creates an air pocket between the two glass panes providing an insulating barrier, which significantly improves the window's thermal and acoustic insulation. The greater the gap between window panes, the greater the temperature and acoustic insulation.

Using double glazing with uPVC window frames will further improve the result as uPVC doesn't conduct heat well and therefore doesn't transfer temperatures from inside to outside, or outside to inside.

The low conductivity of uPVC as a material, the tight seals uPVC windows provide and the ease with which they can be fabricated for double and triple glazing, make uPVC double glazed windows an excellent choice in energy efficient buildings.

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