Durable uPVC Window Frames from uPVC Window Alliance

upvc windows

Durability of uPVC Windows - uPVC Windows Alliance News

uPVC window frames are a unique construction alternative that offer proven durability and performance.

PVC is an incredibly versatile polymer used for a vast range of building products from potable water pressure pipes to power cables and hygienic hospital flooring. The 'u' in uPVC simply means un-plasticised PVC (polyvinyl chloride). It means the polymer is in a hard, rigid form rather than flexible or soft.

uPVC is an ideal material for long-lasting, low maintenance, thermally efficient windows. It is these key features that have led to uPVC windows being the most popular choice in Europe and America for decades. In Australia, they have been in use for around 25 years. But it is only more recently that their popularity has started to grow as homeowners and builders alike are looking for better products and materials to construct more energy efficient homes.

Unlike alternative, traditional materials for frames, uPVC is water and salt resistant and thermally non-conductive so it can withstand the extremes of heat, cold, wind, rain, and snow without problems of warping, corroding, rotting, peeling, chipping or flaking. uPVC provides an all-round, more durable option.

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