Fire Resistant Plasterboard with INEX>RENDERBOARD from UBIQ

fire resistant plasterboard

Fire resistant plasterboard has been a popular and necessary part of the building and construction industry for years now. The term fire resistant plasterboard is commonly used in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. It is also known as the drywall. It's generally used as wall finishing, in areas where fire resistance regulation compliance is required. Fire resistant plasterboard provides security and assurance in knowing that residential and commercial establishments have their first line of defence against fire.

Installing fire resistant plasterboard that meets the local building code is quite easy. Finding the correct material to use is a different story.

In the building industry, finding the right balance between style and performance may be complicated.

Architects and interior designers are always on the lookout for alternative, but highly functional building materials, without compromising the visual aspect of a retrofit or newly constructed property. Their sense of creativity prompts them to incorporate materials that are unique in terms of practicality, sensibility, style, and purpose. The only question is how?

For instance, how can anyone safeguard a home against fire, inclement weather, and vermin whilst maintaining its decorative appeal?

Fortunately, manufacturers and innovators, UBIQ, have found a way to make both ends of aesthetics and function meet.

UBIQ is an Australian owned company based in New South Wales, and proud makers of INEX>RENDERBOARD.

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