Custom Designed Aluminium Windows from Regency Windows

aluminium window frames

Custom design and made to measure aluminium window and door frames is our specialty.

Our aluminium windows are available in a range of specialised designs - custom made according to personal taste or supplied in arrangements, such as bay, box and greenhouse windows.

Windows can be designed to be curved, raked, arched or segmented to suit a specific house or aesthetic requirement.

Bay, box and greenhouse windows are time proven window styles that project from the wall of a house, and are helpful for delivering light and space to a room.

We can also retrofit windows and doors into existing homes to replace timber joinery or outdated aluminium joinery.

Louvre windows allow almost unrestricted views and generous air flow when opened fully. Louvre windows can be supplied with glass, cedar or aluminium blades, creating a special look ideal for locations where ventilation and privacy are required.

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