Aluminium Windows Cut Energy Costs by Regency Windows

Aluminium Windows by Regency Windows

Windows don't just give you a great view of the outdoors; they can also play a vital role in keeping heat in and letting heat out of your house. If you are looking to make your home more energy efficient then looking at your windows is a great place to start, as inefficient windows could be contributing to your costly energy bills.

If you are interested reducing your energy bills and making your home more energy efficient then consider here are some changes you could make.

1. Double Glazing

This commonly used 'insulated glass unit' (IGU) uses panels of standard clear glass with an air gap in between. Double-glazing works by trapping air between two panes of glass, which then acts as an insulator. While this does not completely stop heat from being conducted from the inner pane to the outer pane, double glazing does slow heat transfer. By preventing heat from escaping, the house will retain more heat, thereby reducing your heating costs.

As well as reducing heat transfer, double-glazing also reduces sound transmission and can make windows more secure.

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