Double Glazed uPVC Windows Improve Thermal Insulation

upvc window alliance

Leading manufacturers of window profiles for the Australian and New Zealand markets share information and resources on uPVC windows so that specifiers, architects, designers and home-owners can make fully-informed decisions about the right choice of window to install.

Improve your home's thermal insulation with double glazed uPVC windows

It's a simple goal in modern-day home life... keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. But up to 70 percent of heat is gained or lost through standard 3mm window panes and even more can be lost with heat transfer through metal frames.

In winter, a single-glazed, 3mm-deep pane of glass can lose up to 15 times more heat than an insulated wall of the same area. [Read More]

Five reasons to specify uPVC Windows

uPVC Windows are proven. Available across Europe and America for the past 60 years, uPVC window profiles are today the most popular choice to deliver superior performance: worldwide, uPVC windows accounted for 55% of all new and replacement residential windows. That was almost 290 million window units in 2012, chosen for their durability, low maintenance, high energy efficiency performance and style. [Read More]

Why retrofitting double glazed uPVC windows will save you!

While many new home builders are benefiting from fitting double glazed uPVC windows, there is no reason why existing home owners cannot enjoy the same thermal, noise and overall energy efficiency from high performance uPVC windows. [Read More]

calculate energy savings

There are many important things to consider when purchasing windows for your new home or renovation.

The efficient glazing windows tool allows you to compare several different types of window to understand exactly how much you can reduce your annual energy bill and household carbon emissions using uPVC Windows.

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