TigerTurf synthetic sports surface solution for schools

TigerTurf recently completed its first two projects in Tasmania, Westbury Primary School and St Patrick's College, Launceston. This is yet another area of expansion for TigerTurf.

When Westbury's tired asphalt court was in need of renovation they turned to TigerTurf for the solution. The new surface has lines for basketball and netball and provides an area usable day in, day out, regardless of the weather.

The existing rough and unattractive concrete area at St Patrick's College has also been transformed into a safe and practical play area including lines for tennis, four square and a running track.

"TigerTurf has transformed an ordinary playing area of the College into an attractive, safer and practical surface which has encourage students and staff to better utilise this area whether participating in general recreation or more serious training. It has certainly been a welcome addition to the College's already extensive playing fields and has added flexibility for our physical education program," says Phil Hollingsworth, Business Manager.

TigerTurf is durable, safe, low maintenance and drought proof. Our unique 'one stop shop' package from design and construction to installation and maintenance provides customers with one efficient point of contact.

The options are endless, call us today for a free no obligation quotation on 1800 802 570 or email

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