Kitchen Louvre Windows from Breezway

lofted ceiling Powerlouvre Windows

If You Can't Stand the Heat Get Some Louvres in the Kitchen

Keep your kitchen smelling fresh with Altair Louvre Windows. With blades that open close to horizontal you can flush out cooking smells quickly and easily. Not only do they keep your area smelling fresh but they are aesthetically pleasing to the eye so you can feel great when entertaining friends and family.

Breezway Louvres in the kitchen also allow your area to feel more spacious and can provide outdoor views to be enjoyed whilst cooking or entertaining. Consider customising your handle positions so reaching over the bench top is easier and more efficient when opening or closing louvres.

As you know, hot air rises, so if you have a lofted ceiling in your kitchen, you might consider installing Powerlouvre Windows up high so you can operate these more conveniently without the hassle of pulling out map rods to operate manual louvres to help keep the air sweet. For more information visit

Kitchen Louvre Windows

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