Elf Insulated Glass - Quality Products, Quality Service - enjoy the wonderful benefits.

The benefits of insulated glass is somewhat obvious now days. The hype of the media and new government regulations of energy efficiency in homes, has helped to bring it to many peoples attention and interest. Thousands of homes are already enjoying the wonderful benefits of insulating their glass doors and windows right now!

One of the most important benefits, is the cost cutting factor of your electricity bill. 85% of the heat and cold air of your home escapes through the glass of your home, commercial or industrial building. Hence the reason why during summer we run our air conditioners rugged, and same with heaters in winter.

When your glass is insulated, you don't have to run your air conditioners and heaters as much as you normally would, as the desired temperature within the building is maintained for hours longer than usual, which saves you money! No one wants their hard earned money going out the window (literally).

However, energy efficiency and constant temperature maintenance may be important, but not the only issue. There is also the issue of noise to consider. Do you live near an airport, flight path, on a highway, an industrial estate? or party animal neighbors even? Here is the good news. This problem can be solved with the correct insulation!

Clear Float glass is your standard type of glass which is used in most cases. This is the type of glass which is used in most homes and commercial buildings normally involving cost factors. Float glass is the most budget of glass and has no extra specific qualities.

Laminated glass is generally used where extra safety and protection is required. Laminated glass is manufactured using two sheets of Float Glass with a sheet of laminate in the centre.

Toughened glass is regular float glass which is inserted in to a kiln and heated to high temperatures. This process is called toughening. Vehicle manufacturers nowadays use toughened glass in their automobiles, for added safety on impact.

Low-E reflects heat back in to the room, blocking as much as 71% of your energy investment from escaping. And solar energy easily enters through the glass, warming your home in winter. In the summer, Low-E stops as much as 65% or re-radiated solar heat from entering your home and reduces direct sunlight by as much as 13%. In cold weather, Low-E glass stays warm on the inside - minimizing cold spots and convection currents. Cold glass and warm, moist indoor air can cause damaging condensation. Low-E keeps glass warmer, which reduces condensation and, in turn, fights deterioration and stains on window casings. Low-E does not deteriorate.

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