Acoustic Vision acoustic solutions for restaurants

We've all been to restaurants where the food is fantastic and the service attentive. Often however, because of the expanse of hard surfaces the whole experience is challenged by rising levels of noise as the restaurant fills up with customers.

Over the course of a year we estimate that noise fatigue in the restaurant and bar industry accounts for 20% to 30% loss of patronage, profits and reputation.

One maître d' told us recently, that on just one evening alone, his well-established restaurant had four tables leave early complaining about the noise levels.

At Acoustic Vision we recognise that restaurants need to have a certain noise level to create the right ambience. We define this level as the Optimal Buzz Rating (OBR). Different spaces i.e. offices, churches etc. have different requirements. Our research has identified that for the average restaurant the OBR should be around 6.1 at its peak.

At Acoustic Vision we work with restaurateurs and their Architects, Interior Designers/Decorator and Builders to correct any imbalance in ambience using our state of the art acoustic room treatments. These treatments not only fit in with most styles of décor, but will assist any restaurant or bar in maximising the patronage on any given day thereby retaining and increasing their returns.

If you suspect that your restaurant could be losing patronage due to noise levels then call for a consultation today.

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