Improve Auditorium Acoustics with Acoustic Vision

Spaces that heighten and transform every public experience

Unfortunately many of our auditoriums reflect the sound of the building rather than the event taking place.

A good auditorium is a place for people to be entertained, educated, informed and inspired, in an atmosphere sympathetic to the needs of both speakers and listeners.

Sadly, a large number of auditoriums and public halls have simply concerned themselves with the number of "bums on seats" to the exclusion of the other ambient qualities. We've all sat through (and occasionally even walked out of) concerts, plays and presentations etc; feeling utterly jaded by the noise fatigue resulting from the poor acoustics.

Just because the local auditorium isn't one of the main entertainment venues in the Country, doesn't mean that those awful echoes and reverberations can't be treated.

Where the aim is to facilitate good quality lively sound, rather than a ringing echo, the chances are, that an Acoustic Consultant would recommend sound diffusion treatments to prevent reverb and flutter echo.

Most acoustical specialists will know of RPG Diffusors Systems Inc, the world's leading research, design, and manufacturers of state of the art acoustic treatments. However, what they may not know is that the RPG product range is now exclusively available in Australia from Acoustic Vision.

Whether you're a major venue operator or a dedicated management committee of the local hall give call us today to discuss how we can help you.

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