Loudspeaker Processor from Hills SVL

Lake LM26 Loudspeaker Processor

It's Getting Closer

We're receiving a lot of calls and emails about the availability of the Lake LM26 speaker processor. Well, we can report that the Lake division of Lab.gruppen are hard at it and are on target to have the product ready in January 2010.

In the meantime, some preliminary information on the LM26 is now available. Interested parties should go to the Lake section of the Lab.gruppen website for the latest information and to also register for updates on this much anticipated product.

The Lake LM26 is a full-featured, 2-in/6-out stand-alone digital audio loudspeaker processor. Based on the highly acclaimed Lake Processing technology, it provides seamless compatibility with Lab.gruppen's PLM Series Powered Loudspeaker Management systems as well as with all Dolby Lake Processors and earlier versions of the technology, including Mesa Quad and Contour.

Some have suggested that a processor with more i/o should be considered. Those wanting more in's or out's should keep in mind that the LM26 includes Dante networking, so audio can be seamlessly shared between many processors. Multiple smaller units (as opposed to one large unit) has benefits in terms of system redundancy and of course the flexibility to use units singularly at small shows and link them together for large events. And in terms of control, they all appear on the same control screen of a tablet PC and can be grouped if required.

The LM26's easily programmable EQ and delay capabilities allow quick reconfiguration for use as processor and line driver for self-powered loudspeaker applications as well as for systems using separate power amplifiers. In step with the flexible Lake Processing technology implemented in the PLM Series, the LM26 will accept audio signals as analog, AES digital, or via Audinate's advanced Dante digital audio network at 48 kHz and 96 kHz sampling rates.

Automatic input priority switching may be enabled for fail-safe signal redundancy. Additionally, the unit can function as both an input matrix mixer and Dante break-in and break-out box.

Exclusive Lake processing features incorporated in the LM 26 include Raised Cosine Equalization; linear phase and classical crossovers; and LimiterMax peak and RMS limiters. The Super Module capability allows flexible grouping of processor channels across separate hardware frames, including prior Lake products and PLM Series units.

All functions are controlled via wired or wireless networking by the Windows-based Lake Controller software application. The Lake Controller user interface is optimized for use on a tablet computer to allow easy system adjustments from any point in the venue.

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