Louvre Windows and Elevated Glazing Applications from Breezway

stronghold louvre system

Elevated Glazing Applications - Any Louvre Might Not Be Suitable

Properly designed louvre windows can be of enormous benefit to the comfort and energy efficiency of buildings. But it is important that the product is suitably designed and fit for purpose.

Besides compliance with AS2047 and AS1288, louvre windows in an elevated application will have a number of additional requirements to ensure they comply with the National Construction Code.

To install a product that does not meet these and any other relevant requirements is, at a minimum, irresponsible or, at worst, could cause considerable suffering for anyone hurt, which would also have disastrous consequences for the supplier of the windows in the building.

Breezway developed the Stronghold® System for the Altair® Louvre so that the designer of a building and the window fabricator can have a product that has sound design principles and testing available to understand its suitability to an "elevated glazing position".

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