Traditional Timber Sash Windows from Ventrolla

Timber sash windows from Ventrolla

Ventrolla are the market leader in timber sash window or casement renovation & repair, offering a guaranteed and unique service that avoids the need for unnecessary and costly replacement.

Traditional timber sash windows are an essential feature of a period building's character. It is, therefore, vital to retain them; not only because of the aesthetic appeal, but also because sash windows make your property much more valuable financially. Maintaining the traditional features of your timber sash windows used to mean compromising on comfort.

But not with Ventrolla! Our unique sash window renovation and performance upgrade service makes problems associated with old sash windows, such as draughts, rattles, rot and operational issues, a thing of the past, allowing you to enjoy your traditional wooden sash windows, regardless of the weather outside, and reduce your energy costs at the same time!

Renovating your timber sash or casement windows requires considerably less money and resources than replacing them with new ones. This minimises your costs and the harmful impact on the environment, making the process of your sash windows' restoration mutually beneficial for everyone involved.

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