What is the Fire Audit Process by Trevor Kempster Consultancy Services Every building in Australia needs to comply with the NCC as well as State or Territory Building Fire Safety Regulations to ensure that it is habitable. So, what is the fire audit process? You might be nervous about your own property and the inspections you need to pass. Fire safety auditing will include actions that will ensure the facility's protection level from ignitions. If you need help, contact Trevor Kempster Consultancy Services. He can offer compliance auditing for fire-stopping. Trevor Kempster's services will start off with an in-depth inspection report of your property and highlight any issues that may arise. His services will not stop there, he will also offer compliant solutions to help you rectify the issues. Once solutions are put into place, these will be inspected, too. Lastly, a final report will be issued to your Building certifier or surveyor. To see what else Trevor Kempster can do for you aside from helping you out with the fire audit process, visit www.trevorkempsterconsultancyservices.com.au.
Trevor Kempster Consultancy Services Profile 0416 586 301 13 Shaw Road, Hatton Vale, QLD 4341