Spec-Net Building Index

Desludging Bacterial Waste Water Treatment from Bactech

Desludging Bacterial Waste Water Treatment from Bactech
Desludging Bacterial Waste Water Treatment from Bactech.

If you require desludging bacterial waste water treatment, contact Bactech, the expert in water conservation and ethical waste water management. A client of Bactech requires the desludging of a 20M lagoon, to do this, the team used Bactech 362.

It was evident the lagoon had a sludge build-up that can be seen at 14M water volume. The water's pH is 5.15 while the COD is 12750. Bactech 362 was used as it is designed specifically for treating industrial wastewater that has a high organic loading. This solution is safe to use and will not harm aquatic life.

Desludging Bacterial Waste Water Treatment from Bactech
Desludging Bacterial Waste Water Treatment from Bactech.

By the end of the project, the lagoon's odour went from being really bad to negligible. The COD was reduced by 45% and the pH was down to 4.89. More importantly, the amount of sludge, which used to be 3.6M, was reduced to 0.9m.

If you need more information about the desludging bacterial waste water treatment by Bactech, please visit www.bactech.com.au.

Bactech Profile

1300 730 551

PO Box 2107Gladstone ParkVic 3043


Bactech Profile

1300 730 551




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