Arabescato Marble for Fireplace Mantels by Richard Ellis Design If you are looking for a classic material for your fireplace, check out the elegant Arabescato Marble. Its features are a cross between the high-end Calacatta and the popular Carrara. Richard Ellis Desing can utilise Arabescate Marble for fireplace mantels. The design will be up to you. Arabescato Marble highlights dark veins on its white background. This makes this material a popular option for traditional interiors. R.E.D. has used this type of marble for a Louis XV-style mantel. Even if Arabescato Marble may seem like a match for classic or historic properties, it can also be used for more modern and contemporary designs. Just check out the successful project above by R.E.D. Modern mantels made of Arabecasto marble surround a Victorian grate. The result is a unique and opulent piece for the home. You can check out other Richard Ellis Design projects using Arabescato marble for fireplace mantels at
0418 360 453 12 Clifford Street, Huntingdale VIC 3166