Spec-Net Building Index
Makmax Australia

Tensile membrane roofing by MakMax Australia at Movie World

The Project
Australia's Movie World Theme Park welcomes over 1.3 million visitors annually with some 7000 per day in summer. With its growing popularity as a function venue, the seating capacity of its restaurants needed rethinking.

The Brief
Design and construct a flexible space with permanent roof structure and increase seating capacity by 78%. An additional challenge was - construction had to happen beyond park operating hours!

The Concept
Considering the elements involved (huge area, wet weather protection, aesthetics and financial responsibilities) Alan Griffith Architects opted for a Barrel Vault Design that would successfully integrate interior and exterior. This ticked all the boxes for maximum design efficiencies and value with a minimal volume of fabric.

The Materials
Tensile membrane was chosen for the roof for its durability, longevity and superior coverage (the surface area being approx. 4000m²). It also harnesses natural light and by using less material, delivers a lightweight structure with maximum visual appeal.

The Result
In keeping with the theme park philosophy, MakMax design not only fulfilled the brief (seating capacity was increased 78% from 330 to 1500), it created an additional attraction. The sky-high hallway of light beneath a skyline wave can be seen easily from the nearby busy highway, creating great intrigue and a promise of another great experience at Movie World.

Makmax Australia Profile

1300 625 629

1/115 Frederick Street, Northgate, QLD 4013


Makmax Australia Profile

1300 625 629




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