Raised Access Floors from Tate Access FloorsIf you're on the lookout for utilizing raised flooring in your office and tenant spaces, you may want to check out Tate Access Floors! Access flooring has been primarily attached in open office spaces and tenant areas of buildings nowadays. The general idea of the raised floor allows for a maintained uniform slab elevation throughout the whole space and provides a simplified construction design. Raised floors provide field-applied or factory-applied finishes maintaining the overall design of the building. A field-applied finish can be more easily levelled with raised floors than it would be with a raised core. Raised floors can be adjusted to accommodate the different height variations which are cost-efficient and easier. Moreover, a factory-applied finish manufactured directly to the raised floor panel integrates style and function into each panel with one simple installation.
This makes it possible to maintain the accessibility of the raised floor throughout the space of your choice. Using raised floors has been proven to be less expensive, but easier to install. Access floors raised the bar in creating aesthetically- pleasing interior designs without paying more. Raised access floors allowed for constructing out of traditional materials which are more expensive and it takes longer than installing an access floor that is level and ready for any finish, whether factory- or field-applied. For more information on raised access floors, visit Tate today at www.tateinc.com
+61 2 9612 2300 3 Herbert Place, Smithfield, NSW, 2164