Spec-Net Building Index
Paarhammer Pty Ltd

Paarhammer: Why is Airtightness so Important?

Paarhammer: Why is Airtightness so Important?.
Paarhammer: Why is Airtightness so Important?.

The size of an average Australian house is 250m2- or about 625m3 of volume- and most homes require heating or cooling for a large part of the year. If the building is not airtight- meaning if there are draughts through leaky windows and doors- the home requires a fortune on energy costs just to keep it feeling comfortable. Why?

Air leakage is defined as uncontrolled flow of air in and out of a building due to pressure differences across the building envelope. This means that the air of an average Australian home is unintentionally exchanged between the inside and the outside typically 12-15 times every hour. And this air needs to be heated or cooled again every hour to keep a consistent temperature.

Paarhammer: Why is Airtightness so Important?.
Paarhammer: Why is Airtightness so Important?.

Building failures related to air leakage include mould growth, poor air quality and low energy efficiency. Airborne vapor, smog or smoke, and also unwanted sound, can enter wherever air enters and leaves. For a healthier indoor environment and lower energy bills, airtightness plays a major role, and the non-draughty windows and doors are vital.

To know more about improving airtightness within your home, please visit Paarhammer at www.paarhammer.com.au today.

Paarhammer Pty Ltd Profile

+613 5368 1999

53 Haddon Drive, Ballan, Vic, 3342.

Paarhammer Pty Ltd Profile

+613 5368 1999



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