Spec-Net Building Index
Preston Hire

The Superdeck® Difference: Superdeck® vs. Fixed Platforms

The Superdeck® Difference: Superdeck® vs. Fixed Platforms
The Superdeck® Difference: Superdeck® vs. Fixed Platforms.

Loading platforms are used to safely handle and deliver construction materials into multi-storey structures. Although both the SuperDeck® and fixed loading platforms can carry significantly heavy loads of equipment and supplies, the retractable system and multitude of additional features lead the SuperDeck® to outshine fixed platforms with its superior functionality.

Allow us to outline the key differences between these two types of material handling equipment.

The SuperDeck®

·Retractable functionality

Our retractable loading platform system was specifically designed with multiple features that enable improvements to safety, productivity, and costs. The cutting-edge architecture of the SuperDeck® allows multiple decks to be stacked vertically and easily rolled in and out of the building as required. This is not possible with fixed decks. Two-prop methodology

The innovative design of the SuperDeck® allows us to use our two-prop methodology which applies approximately half the reaction load to the floor above when compared to the traditional multi-prop installation method. Installation can also be achieved via our bolt-down option should props not be possible.

·Efficient material handling

The SuperDeck® provides the safest and fastest installation, relocation, and removal processes. Our quick installation procedure, which is secured by only 2 back props, cuts down valuable time needed elsewhere. Relocation and removals also can be completed in as little as 20 minutes. This leads to more efficient handling and transportation of materials, overall producing time and cost benefits on site.

·One-man operation

Another advantage of the SuperDeck® is that it only requires one person to operate the retractions; this means that the rest of your team can continue pursuing other high-value tasks, improving productivity on site. Our retractable loading platform also doesn't require any mechanics or electrics, reducing the risk of equipment breakdown or personal injury.

Fixed Platforms

·Static design

Unlike the SuperDeck®, fixed platforms have a static deck, meaning they cannot be moved in or out and function merely as a structure fixed to the outside of a building. This aspect makes placement difficult as they can easily get in the way of other levels in need of materials.

·Timely installation process

Where the SuperDeck® only requires 20 minutes for installation, static decks can take up to 60 minutes, negatively affecting productivity on site.

·More back props required

8 back props are required to secure a fixed deck, compared to only 2 for the SuperDeck®.

Final Thoughts

The SuperDeck® has improved functionality and safety, time, and cost benefits that outshine the capabilities of a fixed platform. Beyond our innovative material handling product, at Preston Hire, we pride ourselves on our drive to offer specialised solutions and exemplary customer service.

To learn more about how your project can benefit from our world-leading SuperDeck® retractable loading platform system, speak to one of our friendly staff on 1800 440 550 or visit our website: https://www.prestonhire.com.au/products/superdeck/

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1800 440 550

Unit 8, 9-11 South St, Rydalmere NSW 2116

Preston Hire Profile

1800 440 550



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