Internet Marketing
List your company on Spec-Net Building Directory with 1200 companies, 20,000 product pages and 10 million visits pa
Get in the Spec-Net weekly news letter to 12,000 building professionals
Create 'feature articles' for SEO exposure and back linking
Join in the Spec-Net FaceBook and YouTube marketing Campaigns
Filming at Trade shows (with professional interviewers)
Filming at Showroom/Office in Sydney/Brisbane/Melbourne/Gold Coast
Video Editing for approval
Video Uploading to Google Organics, YouTube, FaceBook/Bing & Spec-Net Architectural Directory
SEO Services
Google Analytics Assistance
Google Adsense Assistance
Adword Administration
SEO Evaluation
Website Services
Domain Management
Website Hosting
AAPT (High Performance) Video Delivery
Website Maintenance
Content Management Systems CMS
Website Design Development
Systems Design & Integration
Email Hosting Services
Cloud Based Platform Offerings