Spec-Net Building Index

Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF

Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF
Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF.

Project Overview

Completed in 2023, the Myers Park Lighting Upgrade project revitalised this public park in Auckland, enhancing safety and accessibility while being more considerate of the environmental impact, and protecting the night sky and local biodiversity. Led by Auckland Council in collaboration with Mark Herring Lighting (MHL), Babbage Consultants, Boffa Miskell, and Coll Electrical, the initiative aimed to address existing lighting issues while ensuring the park remained a welcoming space for both wildlife and the community.

Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF
Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF.

Key Considerations

Prior to the upgrade, the previous lighting installation had resulted in significant glare and light spills, disrupting nearby residences and violating local bylaws regarding maximum light intensity. There was also a lack of consideration for upward spill light, conflicting with Dark Sky initiatives aimed at preserving nocturnal environments. The primary objective was to create a safer atmosphere for pedestrians, significantly reduce spill and glare, and curb upward waste light, all while considering the biodiversity within the park.

Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF
Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF.


  • Glare and Spill: The previous lighting caused significant glare, leading to complaints from nearby residents and affecting local wildlife.
  • Compliance Issues: The old installation did not meet local bylaws on light intensity and spill, leading to potential ecological impacts.
  • Proximity to Residences: Some lighting poles were positioned less than one metre from bedroom windows, requiring a solution that minimised obtrusive light.

Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF
Myers Park Lighting Upgrade: Illuminating Safety with a Sustainable Touch from WE-EF.


To address these challenges, the Auckland Council, in collaboration with Mark Herring Lighting (MHL) and Babbage Consultants, opted for a total of 49 x WE-EF's Dark Sky Approved ASP530 luminaires. This selection ensured:

  • Precision Control: The Dark Sky Approved ASP530 features advanced optical control and backlight shields, which effectively minimise light spill and glare, directing light precisely to where it is needed for safe pedestrian movement, without unnecessary waste or spill light, thereby minimising the impact on both local residents and wildlife.
  • Durability and Reliability: WE-EF's reputation for high-quality, durable lighting solutions provided the council with the confidence needed for this critical project.
  • Collaboration with Experts: MHL's expertise played a crucial role in selecting the ASP530, ensuring that the luminaires met the project's strict ecological and safety requirements.

As a result of this innovative collaboration, the new lighting installation not only complies with local regulations but also contributes to the conservation of the park's biodiversity by reducing light pollution.


The upgraded lighting in Myers Park has delivered outstanding results:

  • Enhanced Safety: Park users can now enjoy a safer environment with improved visibility along footpaths.
  • Biodiversity Preservation: The Dark Sky Approved ASP530 luminaires protect local wildlife by minimising upward light spill and glare, promoting a healthier ecosystem.
  • Community Satisfaction: Residents and park users have expressed appreciation for the reduced light pollution, contributing to a more harmonious relationship between the park and its surrounding community.

Lead engineer from the project remarked, "The result looks amazing; look at the cut-off!" The successful upgrade of Myers Park not only highlights the importance of sustainable lighting solutions but also showcases WE-EF's commitment to preserving biodiversity in urban environments.

This Dark Sky-compliant solution also won the 2024 IESANZ People's Choice Award for lighting design excellence in urban green spaces, recognising WE-EF's precision and sustainability.

Completed: 2023
Client:Auckland Council Sales Partner: MHL
Lighting Designer: Babbage Consultants Electrical Engineer: Babbage Consultants Landscape Architect: Boffa Miskell
Electrical Contractor: Coll Electrical
Photography and Videography: IP Media for WE-EF


03 8587 0400

6/13 Downard Street, Braeside, Vic, 3195


03 8587 0400



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