Leak Detection System from International Leak Detection

The EFVM® leak detection system is now available in Australia and makes flood testing of waterproofing membranes a thing of the past. Initially introduced to the United States market in 2001, the EFVM® System is now used extensively around the world.
Waterproofing membrane defects can occur during or after installation; e.g. mechanical damage caused by others, workmanship defects, material defects, design faults, weather related defects or membrane deterioration. EFVM® provides an efficient and highly accurate leak detection solution.
What is EFVM®
EFVM® is a low voltage test method that creates an electrical potential difference between a nonconductive membrane surface and a conductive substrate, which is earthed or grounded. By applying water on the membrane surface and using the water as a conductive medium, an electric field is created and a breach in the membrane creates a vector (ground fault connection). The EFVM® technician reads the electric flow travelling across the membrane, mapping the breaches with pin point accuracy.
Advantages of the EFVM® testing
- Accurate pinpointing of membrane breaches
- Non-destructive to the membrane
- Can be performed on sloped structural decks
- Eliminates removal of the overburden to
locate a membrane breach
- Membrane performance can be monitored
during its lifespan through the overburden
- Membrane defects can be repaired and
retested without delay to the construction
- Limited use of water required for the EFVM®
- EFVM® can be performed during inclement
- Overburden installation can proceed
immediately after or during the EFVM® test.

Where EFVM® can be utilised
- Garden roofs
- Roofs with ballast
- Roofs with paving stones
- Exposed membrane roofs
- Insulated and Non-insulated roof systems
- Inverted roof systems
- Plaza deck roofs
- Parking garages/Parking decks
- Ponds/water container liners
- Swimming pools