Maintenance for External Venetians by evaya External Venetians, just like any other window treatment, will require some kind of maintenance. If you want your ev80 or ev93D to last longer, it's important to inspect them regularly. Maintenance for external Venetians by evaya is fairly simple, for starters, you just need to move them through their complete range of motions at least once a month. Lubrication is a must, however, do not over-lubricate because the excess can cause dirt accumulation. There is no need to scrub the lats on your external Venetians, simply hosing them down with water is enough. For tougher dirt, a mild cleaning agent and a soft sponge should be used to wipe away. Examining the side guides and cable tension should also be done regularly. For automated Venetians, be sure to replace the battery yearly on the handset. You can check out more tips on maintenance for external Venetians by evaya at
03 5986 2183 4 Suffolk Street, Capel Sound, Vic, 3940.