Advantages of Steel in Bushfire Design by NASHBushfire is becoming more and more common due to extreme weather conditions. There are many advantages of steel in bushfire design as explained by NASH or the National Association of Steel-framed housing. One of the ways bushfire spread is through ignition and this is where steel comes in- it does not ignite! Steel has excellent early fire hazard properties. What's more, it is non-combustible so it will not add "fuel" to the fire. When steel is burnt, it does not release smoke or heat.
There are more advantages to using steel for your bushfire design. One of these is wide design flexibility, so it will be easy to create a home that can resist ember, wind, or debris damage. There's also outstanding durability and low maintenance requirements plus reliability. Not to mention, steel is readily available throughout Australia. For more advantages of steel in bushfire design by NASH, visit
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