BAL 29 Fire Rated Timber Cladding from Hazelwood & HillWith Australia's harsh weather conditions it's important to take note of materials that can be dangerous when they're in contact with fire. For instance, when you're building your home or your project with wooden materials, one of the core considerations of choosing timber is when its BAL 29 Rated, or BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) AND BRT (Bushfire Resistant Timber). Hazelwood and Hill offers this innovative solution for engineers, architects when building with wooden materials. BAL ratings are something you should always look out for if you're working on a project in areas that are prone to bushfires. These ratings will help you determine which materials are suitable to be used on your building and how these materials would react if they were exposed to a bushfire. If you have a house located in a bushfire prone area, then choosing a BAL 29 Fire Rated Timber Cladding would be the best choice. Here are some of the timber cladding range from Hazelwood and Hill that you can match with your interior and exterior design:
To know more about Hazelwood and Hill's Timber Cladding with BAL 29 Fire Rated requirements, visit their website today.
Hazelwood and Hill Pty Ltd Profile 03 9808 5522 18 McIntyre Street, Burwood, Melbourne, Vic, 3125