Rebuilding with Steel in Bushfire Areas - Standards by NASH![]() The 2019/2020 summer bushfire season in Australia has seen the loss of human lives and residential properties, along with agricultural and commercial businesses, wildlife, and forests. Given that approximately 3000 homes were destroyed by the bushfire, people rebuilding will be seeking better solutions to increase the robustness of their homes in future bushfires. The NASH Standard - Steel Framed Construction in Bushfire Areas provides simple, economical and robust solutions for building steel framed homes in bushfire areas. State and Territory governments declare bushfire prone land within their jurisdictions and new dwellings on such land must be constructed to resist bushfire attack. The National Construction Code contains two Deemed-To-Satisfy solutions for construction in designated bushfire areas: AS 3959 and the NASH Standard - Steel Framed Construction in Bushfire Areas. Either standard can be used in all states. Construction using the NASH Bushfire Standard provides for high-performance, cost-effective construction using traditional construction methods. It offers the following benefits and savings:
The use of non-combustible materials for the cladding, building structure, and adjacent fencing provides a high level of protection against ember and flame attack. BlueScope has developed a brochure, based on the NASH Bushfire Standard, to help with the application of BlueScope products in bushfire areas. This will assist you in developing a better and more cost effective solution when building in bushfire areas. The NASH Bushfire Standard can be purchased from NASH.
03 9809 1333 Hartwell, Vic, 3124