Spec-Net Building Index

New NASH Standard for Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing referenced in BCA 2006.

The new NASH Standard - Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing Part 1: Design Criteria is nowpublished and referenced in the Housing Provisions (Volume 2) of BCA2006.

NASH followed the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Protocol for the development of BCAReferenced Documents in their development of the Design Criteria. This approach combined with theenthusiasm of a very active committee, allowed rapid development of the new NASH standard. ThePublic Review Draft was distributed to all NASH members and to the broader building industry forcomment.

Some of the major features included in the NASH Standard are:

  • scope includes both residential and commercial low-rise buildings using traditional framingtechniques.
  • limit state code in line with the latest AS/NZS 1170 series.
  • serviceability criteria.
  • assessment of the design criteria may be undertaken by calculation, testing or a combination ofboth. Prototype testing of full size members and sub-assemblies can be very beneficial and isfrequently used in the development of new systems.
  • tolerances for manufacture and installation. These reflect the ability of steel framing to provide ahigh quality structure eg. straight and flat walls.
  • guide for self weights.
The Standard and the BCA 2006 reference the latest updates of AS4055-2006 Wind Load for Housingand AS/NZS4600:2005 Cold-formed Steel Structures.

The NASH Standard - Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing Part 1: Design Criteria is referenced inthe 2006 edition of the Building Code of Australia. It is available for purchase through the AustralianBuilding Codes Board website www.abcb.gov.au at a cost of:

  • $90.00 for hardcopy (including postage, handling and GST)
  • $60.00 for pdf (including GST)

About NASH

NASH is an active industry association centred on light structural framing systems for residential andsimilar construction. We represent the interests of suppliers, fabricators and customers - all thoseinvolved in steel framing systems.

Our key objectives are to:

  • Support the long term growth and sustainability of the steel framing industry.
  • Maximise awareness of the steel framing industry in the market place.
  • Promote the advantages of steel framing to the building industry and home owners.

NASH Profile

03 9809 1333

Hartwell, Vic, 3124

NASH Profile

03 9809 1333



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