Breathable Building Wrap Tyvek HomeWrap from Treco SteelTreco Steel has been the official New South Wales distributor of Du Pont's breathable building wrap for over 20 years. Treco currently stocks the 30 mtr rolls of Tyvek HomeWrap in both the 2743mm and 3048mm widths. All it takes is 45 minutes and you'll know why Tyvek HomeWrap is a better way to go whenever you insulate walls with batts. Because in just 45 minutes, 2 tradesman using Tyvek HomeWrap can cover an average 12 square house. You can cover from floor to ceiling (now even higher ones) in one pass. You can also go right over window and door openings, leaving them protected until you come back later. And it's light. Yet it's super tough, and cuts clean and easy with a sharp knife. The weatherproof strength of Tyvek HomeWrap means you can leave the job (even if the brickies aren't due for weeks) and get on to other jobs at other sites. This adds up to more control over your time - and more cash.
1800 LINTEL (546 835) 117-153 Rookwood Road, Yagoona NSW 2199