How to Manage NDIS Participant and Home Care Client Allergies and Dietary Requirements with CareVisionFor any care service provider, knowing the dietary requirements as well as allergies of their Client is a must. It's a good thing that managing an NDIS participant and Home Care client's allergies and dietary requirements on CareVision is an easy task. This ultimate care platform understands the severity of allergic diseases. It is one of Australia's fastest-growing chronic conditions and affects 1 in 5 Australians. On CareVision, you simply have to add the name and the description of the allergy under a Client's Profile. This will then be available on the CareVision mobile app for easy access at the point of care.
Just head to the Clients Section and click under the People module then open the specific client's profile. When you click on Create New under the Allergies and Special Dietary Requirements bar, a pop-up window will appear. This is where you will fill in the special dietary requirements for the Client . Once you have completed it, hit save and you are done. The Dietary Requirements can be filled in to suit the client's medical, cultural, or religious restrictions. Make sure to keep the descriptions brief and understandable. If you require a step-by-step guide to managing Clients allergies and dietary requirements on CareVision, just watch the CareVision Academy Coordinator's Course.
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