Spec-Net Building Index

Managing NDIS Participant Required Skills

An NDIS Participant using the CareVision platform may have unique requirements or special needs for each reservation. Including must-have skills in a client's profile ensures that the necessary or required skills will always be listed on the service bookings made for them.

As a result, clients will get high-quality services that are tailored to their needs. For instance, adding "WWCC" (Working with Children Check) as a necessary skill to a client's profile ensures that any employees providing services to the client are qualified to deal with children under the age of 12. Similarly, "sign language" might be included as a necessary ability for clients who require specialized services and use sign language.

Managing NDIS Participant Required Skills
Managing NDIS Participant Required Skills.

The suitable employees will be suggested as the preferred staff for reservations when their skills match those requested by the client. This aids the organization in auto-scheduling to swiftly and effectively speed up the scheduling and rostering process.

You can view the coordinator's course on CareVision Academy for more details about managing an NDIS participant's required skills and special needs within CareVision.

CareVision Profile

1300 324 070

Australian Head Office
Building 1, Suite 4D/19 Lang Parade, Milton QLD 4064

CareVision Profile

1300 324 070



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