Activated carbon is one of the most common industrial adsorbents. It is known as the universal standard for purification and removal of trace organic compounds that contaminates liquid and vapour streams.
Absorption can be a chemical or physical process where the molecules, atoms and ions of hazardous gases enter the bulk phase, the solid state of Camfil Airepure pellets. In the absorption process, the hazardous substances go through the process of diffusion into solid or liquid to achieve the desired effect.
Adsorption removes gas components in a similar way, but is more a surface effect.
Chemisorption happens when the chemical media reacts with the trapped harmful airborne contaminants, converting them into harmless substances inside the pellets. The chemisorption process involves strong electronic bonds between adsorbate molecules and surface locations, such as surface active sites. This process is irreversible and instantaneous.
Many kilograms of chemical media can be added to self-contained gaseous air filtration systems such as deep bed scrubbers and drum scrubbers; so it is important to select quality media that will keep its shape under the weight so it can perform its purpose effectively. If the chemical media disintegrates or crushes under this weight, it is no longer able to perform its function of trapping or removing harmful substances.
Quality chemical media will ultimately last longer, perform better and prove long-term cost effectiveness simply by saving costs on media replacement frequency and associated labour.
What are the Benefits in Using Camfil Airepure Chemical Media in Air Filtration Systems?
Camfil Airepure holds a high value on integrity and product quality; offering a strong and durable media that, while expensive upfront compared to other chemical media options, will last longer, perform more effectively and provide long-term product and maintenance savings.
Camfil Airepure carbon based media is purified to a greater extent, removing more of the naturally occurring ash and water content. This ensures that a higher amount of pure active carbon remains in the pellets for the maximum removal capacity of toxic substances, harmful gases, as well as corrosive chemicals. Cheaper carbon based media is not purified as effectively, containing more ash and water content, which lowers its capacity and effectiveness to remove airborne contaminants.
Each Camfil Airepure pellet contains a higher hardness factor or crush strength than cheaper alternatives, and is less likely to disintegrate at the bottom of a large drum scrubber or equivalent.
Beware of uncompleted specification data, when comparing chemical media. It is important to know that the percentage of active ingredients in each media does not necessarily dictate the quantity or number of chemical species it can absorb. There are other factors to consider, including pellet strength, pellet size and porosity; which has a large impact on the Kg of contaminant removed per Kg of media.
Camfil Airepure chemical media has a higher strength, higher absorption rate and higher porosity value (m2 of surface area per m3 volume) with a lower chance of disintegration, compared to cheaper alternatives. Hence, lasting longer, performing more effectively and saving costs on product replacement and expensive labour.
Camfil Airepure is committed to providing the world with the best air filtration systems designed and manufactured to meet industry standards, as well as to protect people, processes and environment.
Camfil Airepure provides cost-effective and high-quality chemical media for better and long-lasting performance.
For a thorough discussion of air filtration systems and Camfil Airepure chemical media specifications, contact Camfil Airepure at 1300 886 353 today.