Spec-Net Building Index

Product-Led Climate Recovery for Innovative Australian Green Building Design

The use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials is important in Australian Green Building Design. Going green is all about making better choices, always keeping in mind that human actions have certain effects on the environment. The building industry contributes up to 30% of global annual greenhouse gas emissions and consumes up to 40% of all energy, due to unsustainable methods of product manufacturing and building construction. It is crucial that we, the industry, start taking action to lessen our environmental impact.

While most people consider price as the primary determining factor for purchasing products, environmentalists prioritise sustainability. There is a middle ground in both buying behaviours, and this term is coined as "sustainable purchasing". Sustainable purchasing refers to the balance between economic, social, and environmental considerations. Familiarising ourselves with this philosophy can help in spreading awareness on product-led climate recovery and can go a long way if we don't just learn about it but actually practice it.

It is easy to look past the benefits of a product if its competitors price their goods at a much lower rate. This practice should be avoided because there are always reasons why these items are sold for their allocated price. In order to determine whether a product is worth less, more, or equal to its actual price as well as its level of sustainability, consumers need to dissect the costs behind the production and consumption of the goods.

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